

Are you feeling a deep yearning, a passion, a desire to live a more creative life. to re-ignite the magic of your creativity or seeking to expand your potential?

imagine if you could take inspired action towards that extraordinary cool concept that is burning within you and step into the arena of your dreams.

what if through energetic embodiment and creative flow coaching i can help you Claim your Personal Power and ALLUME THE SPARK WITHIN You

This could look like:

✶ Preparing for an exhibition or art prize.

✶ Developing or Launching a creative project.

✶ Selling your work online.

✶ Publishing your poetry or memoirs.

✶ Evolving a podcast or YouTube channel

✶ Selling your ceramics and sculptures at makers markets.

✶ Wholesaling your homewares to bespoke lifestyle boutiques.

✶ Completing an ongoing project or body of work.

Go from hiding your work to unapologetically sharing it with the world and stepping into being the true creative that you are.

You can birth your creative project out To the world without: 

Getting stuck down the rabbit
hole of research.

Worrying that you may be a late bloomer

feeling like an imposter

questioning your talent

thinking you need more art supplies,
tools or materials to get started

a big studio or space to make the work

being perfect and

Having it all figured out.

claim your personal power

claim your personal power ✶

ALLUME, a french word meaning glow, ignite and light up, is a 6 week cycle designed to open up consistent creative flow through energetics and embodiment so that you can accomplish effectively  with clarity and confidence.


ALLUME is a one to one creative flow coaching and holistic transformational journey weaving energetics, process and alchemy towards an embodied business and life. It is a 6-week creative cycle consisting of:

  • 1 x 90min foundational Creative Concept and Energetics Review so I can evaluate where you are at and we can collaborate on a strategic bespoke plan to achieve your goals.

  • 2x 60min Private Professional Development Mentoring sessions so you can stay on track and trouble shoot any obstacles or concerns and integrate any revelations.

  • Recordings of all sessions.

  • Each week you will receive an Energetic Wellbeing Playbook to guide you in cultivating a feminine embodied approach that is the secret to intuitively planning and strategising and supporting a healthy mindset.

  • Shared Creative Process Trello workspace as a portal for communication and keeping your project organised.

  • Between session support - access to me via email / voxer on weekdays.

  • Supportive and honest critique of your project.


Payment Plans are available

An intuitive approach which supports you in bringing your vision and your dreams to life.

This experience is ideal for creative entrepreneurs, designers, makers, inventors, visionaries, and change makers who are seeking to leave a creative legacy they are proud of.

ALLUME is about going from feeling stuck, overwhelmed or overstimulated to being in control and to accomplish effectively with clarity and confidence without burn out. You’ll learn to weave the wisdom of your body, ritual and mysticism into problem solving for a sustainable practice.

In AllUME you’ll learn my treasured feminine embodied methods to cultivate the mindset needed to create the steps necessary for building your creative vision.

a little about me

Hi, I’m Joanne Makas, n artist, intuitive energy and sound healing practitioner, feminine embodiment facilitator, creative flow coach and founder of The Embodied Approach. With over 30 years’ experience in the creative field, across fashion, colour design, and visual art, I am a creative entrepreneur and somatic analyst and practitioner with a keen interest in mysticism, ritual and alchemy. As a cultural creative I support free thinking, visionary women establish harmony between their body, mind and soul so they can achieve clarity and flow for creating their magic.


My cornerstone of artistic expertise will help you achieve your dreams and goals because I understand how to:

Make the art and how to manage the process
of getting it done and out there into the world.

Create a succinct body of work.

Work with other creatives from the perspective
of a curator and gallerist.

Apply for exhibitions and know what they are looking
for in terms of presentation and professionalism.

Express your creative vision

Express your creative vision ✶

my wish for you is to:

Have a solid plan to get your artistic vision out into the world.

Know how to work with the creative cycle and harness your own energetics and intuition.

Know how to get yourself out of a funk when you’re feeling stuck and unmotivated.

Deepen into your distinctive creative process.

Foster criticality so you can step away and be objective about your creations without attachment.

Improve creative thinking and mindset skills.

Feel confident with the creative legacy you are creating.

Have developed the habit of living from your creativity.

Amplify your creative power so that you bring your creative legacy into the world.