Soul Whispers

ignite your creative flow through the alchemy of sound healing

The Art Of Being - a bespoke sound healing container

A sound healing transformational journey to clear and balance each of your energy centres or Chakras, to obtain optimal mind, body and spirit connection to your soul path.

SOUL WHISPERS is a bespoke 12 week intuitive creative energy flow container that is focused on supporting your soul path so that you can manifest your desires without having to delve into trauma, suffering or pain.

Through a combination of sound healing, intuitive energy healing, oracle card reading and feminine embodiment coaching you will be guided to tap into your unique magic, stay true to yourself, listen to your intuition and be open to receiving the abundance that awaits you.

Connect with your inner essence and
regain your alignment. 

How does
it work?

The deep vibration that occurs in a sound healing connects you with the infinite intelligence of the universe.

Sound Healing is a gentle and non-invasive form of vibrational therapy that has been widely used throughout the world for thousands of years. It utilises sound to assist in strengthening and harmonising all aspects of your being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 

During a sound healing, vibrations pass through tissues to massage the cells and facilitate brain shifts. By using rhythm, vibration and frequency, brain waves can be synchronized to slow down and enter a meditative state, activating the natural healing frequency at a cellular level.

We now see from studies that the right vibrations can reduce inflammation and pain and aid in the repair of damaged nerves. This practice of sound healing taps into the ancient wisdom of vibrational medicine that unlocks the healing power within us. Balancing and harmonising your nervous system. With a regulated nervous system creativity flows and you are able to nourish your soul.

A little about me

Hi, I’m Joanne Makas, an artist, intuitive energy and sound healing practitioner, feminine embodiment facilitator, creative flow coach and founder of The Embodied Approach. With over 30 years’ experience in the creative field, across fashion, colour design, and visual art. I am an intuitive space holder and somatic researcher with a keen interest in mysticism, ritual and alchemy. As a cultural creative I support free thinking visionary women establish harmony between their body, mind, heart and spirit so they can achieve clarity and flow to create their magic.

the art of being

the art of being ✶

From transition to

You may be experiencing a time of transition due to grief, trauma, heartache, health issues or some other life changing experience. You may not even be aware of why you are feeling stuck, lost and unmotivated. On the other hand, you are fulfilling your soul purpose but are experiencing internal doubts due to self-limiting beliefs. Whatever the reason, this private and personal time in your life is affecting your relationships, work, business and creativity.

Just like a caterpillar entering into a chrysalis, this healing journey is a transformation into the longing to wake up into your authentic inner self. To burn through layers of contraction, inhibition and doubt. To remember who you really are, before the layers of coping and conditioning clouded over. 

At the end of the 12 week journey:

Have liberated and shifted stuck energy so that you can move forward.

Feel reassured with how your soul purpose is unfolding.

Have deeper understanding of your deepest passions, values, and strengths.

Clearly define what you desire in life and set specific intentions.

Be ready to take inspired aligned action.

Expressing your magic is a beautiful journey of self-discovery and personal growth where you get to shape your life’s purpose.

SOUL WHISPERS is an intimate journey where I hold you closely to explore the possibilities and the potential of your inner essence. After 12 weeks of working together you will have more clarity with your soul purpose and feel motivated with vitality and devotion, ready to make your dreams a reality.

Your personal investment for a 12-week bespoke journey into SOUL WHISPERS is $2,800.

This includes:

✶ 4 x 90min in person sound healing sessions that incorporates:

✶ Oracle card reading.

✶ Energy assessment with chakra clearing and rebalancing.

✶ Light energy activation

✶ 1 x 60min on line energy flow session

✶ Follow up activities and journaling prompts for self-reflection and activation.

✶ Between session support – access to me via voxer except on weekdays.

Sound Healing