weaving Energetics
anD Embodiment For living a creative Life

The Embodied Approach

The Embodied Approach ✶

What is the embodied approach?

The Embodied Approach is a methodology founded and facilitated by artist and creative entrepreneur Joanne Makas. This unique methodology helps women embody their creative gifts and stay true to their soul path so they can bring their creative work into the world and impact others.

Weaving a blend of modalities including sound healing, energetic and mindset alignment, feminine embodiment, mysticism, and spiritual wisdom into bespoke one on one and intimate group sessions for growth and evolution. With her Embodied Approach her clients can let go of perfectionism, social expectations, and any limiting beliefs, feeling inspired and deepening into their creative truth and take creative control of their life.


Women to Feel Safe in their Body

Deepen into their Soul Purpose

Live an Embodied Life. 


Women to Embody their Creative Power

The Embodied Approach, a catalyst for change, empowering women to reframe creativity and confidently unleash their concepts into the world.


Women to Feel Inspired

Expand their Intuition for Personal Growth and Creative Self Expression.



Energy Healing

  • For women desiring to move forward with clarity and reset their nervous system.

    Energy Flow is for liberating a challenge through intuitive energy healing.

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  • For women seeking to a sign, a nudge, or guidance on their soul path.

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  • For women desiring to anchor more fully into their creativity.

    ALUME is an online energetic and creative flow mentouring designed to support creative souls like you bring your vision to life whilst aligning with feminine mystic principles.

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  • Ancient sound vibrational therapy for strengthening and harmonising your body, mind, heart and spirit.

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  • A bespoke sound healing journey with intuitive energy alignment for supporting you to live a creative life.

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  • An immersive sound bath experience for those seeking to restore, relax and reset their nervous system, body, mnd and heart.

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The Creative Pathway

  • For women desiring to feel enchanted and experience the magic of their own creative self.

    Awaken is a 2 hour in-person group embodied creativity practice blending chakradance, expressive drawing with an alchemy crystal sound bowl journey.

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  • For Women wanting to connect to their inner child and tap into the playful depths of their imagination.

    ENCHANT is a hour of intuitive play through guided exercises and expressive drawing activities, syncing your energy with the mystical dance of the full moon.

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Follow the thread to your creativity

Follow the thread to your creativity ✶


As an artist and creative soul I offer support to women to enable them to clear and refine their energy so their magic can be fully expressed. My desire is that all humans are connected to their intrinsic creative nature, feel safe in their body, and live an inspired life.

 Are you looking to get clear, attune and harness your energy to channel it into your art, craft or creative projects? I’m here and ready to serve you and see you shine your magic!